Saturday, June 2, 2012

Cool Camp Stationary for Boys

Every year before we went to camp my mom let my twin sister and I pick out new stationary for our trip.  We wrote letters home almost every day detailing our adventures in swimming, hiking, camping, playing capture the flag and even our little skits.  It's almost time for camp to start and a new set of stationary to be purchased.  We scoured the internet for some cool stationary that the little guys would like.

This set is a little pricey but it just says the best about camp, to me.  Inhauspress on

Love this card and it has my nephew's name!

PeaceLoveandDoodles on

Pinkbathtub on

happy writing!
tiny bison

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Origami Boats
Made in any type of paper: the comics, scrapbook paper, newspaper, origami paper, colorful magazine pages. Paint them add flags or streamers or sails.  One pretty boat just isn't enough!

Origami boats from Once Wed


Paper boat instructions found on Ken Cupery's website.

Be creative wtih your boats!

tiny bison

Monday, May 21, 2012

Boys Handkerchiefs

Last month we wrote about Kerchiefs (see the article here ) and are excited to announce we have added some great sets to our A Tiny Bison website!

Blue Handkerchief Set.

Earth Colors Handkerchief Set

tiny bison



This is a really neat art project by Emphasis Added!  Tres clever and so colorful.  Melting the crayons with a heat gun could produce any number of really creative pieces of art.  Don't use your hairdryer for this!


tiny bison

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mediterranean-Inspired Paper Mache Boat

My sister shared these adorable paper mache boats with me, by the artist Ann Wood.  The lovely creations she makes are for sale through her website but she has generously shared a pattern and instructions for making her enchanting sail boats on her blog.  These would be a great craft for your little one since you probably have most of the supplies at home already.  This project doesn't need to cost a penny if you're creative!

Paper Mache Boat Pattern & Instructions

 Some other fabulous creations by Ann Wood:

Ann Wood

Love these!!!

tiny bison

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Who doesn't like a tepee? 
A place to make believe we are cocooned out in the wilderness cooking our grub on a roaring camp fire...
Snuggling amongst the blankets to read our books on a rainy day... 
As a secret meeting place for our secret club...




Garden tepee


So sweet!

tiny bison

Monday, May 7, 2012

For the boys!

So inspired by some really great rooms we found on Pinterest.  Aren't these wonderful rooms?

tiny bison

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Kerchief (from the French couvre-chef, "cover the head")

I am a big fan of handkerchiefs not only for adults, but for children too.  It was standard and proper for children to carry hankys with them as far back as the 1700's.  During the early years the hankys were very plain. By the 19th century they started to have printed alphabets, poems, stories, fairy tales and instructional illustrations.  Then by mid-century they were being targeted separately to boys and girls with cowboys, fishing, hunting and sports for the boys and pretty designs for the girls. 
Not only were they used for the schnoz, they were used as an impromptu way to carry around small items when a bag was not handy. 

Other Uses for a handkerchief:
*A fashionable head or hair accessory
*A pocket square
*A napkin
*Tied fashionably around the neck
*Ascot Tie
*Gift wrapping (love this idea!)

We love the idea of being environmentally kind and we will be adding some some of these lovely items to our website shortly!

xx tiny bison

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Fall 2012 Photoshoot!

We had a really fun photoshoot with Mark Morand at Mainframe Photography.  Patrick, Donovan and Dominic were so excited to try on our clothing and Mark really knew how to get the little guys to have fun!

Mark shooting one of the flat shots for the website.

Dominick reading Curious George!

Looking good, guys!

tiny bison

Monday, March 12, 2012

In January I attended some fabric shows in New York to choose fabric for my new Fall 2012 collection.   I was most excited to check out the Liberty fabric booth.  After looking through all of their standard and spring 2013 fabrics I found it really hard to choose.  All of the fabrics are SO fabulous!

Liberty booth

There were many other fabric supplies at this show as well.  It looks pretty boring when you just look down the aisles, but inside each booth are fabric gems!  I would have taken more photos, but they are a no-no at these shows.  Understandably so!  But I had to take this photo for my sister since she couldn't come with me.  She would LOVE to look through the Liberty fabrics!

A random aisle at the trade show.

xx tiny bison

Bernard Maisner, an extraordinary calligrapher is another inspiration of mine.  He creates custom stationary and invitations as well as new custom paperweights. 

Bernard Maisner Invitations

01-Envelope Addressing
Bernard Maisner envelope addressing

01-Menus & Programs
Bernard Maisner custom design of menus & programs

Bernard Maisner Table Number
Screen Shot 2011 02 03 At 15
Bernard Maisner at Paul Smith in February 2011

Bernard Maisner on Martha

Invitations by Bernard Maisner and Envelopes by Betsy Dunlap

A lovely Bernard Maisner gift from a bride to her husband on Bird and Banner

xx tiny bison