Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Kerchief (from the French couvre-chef, "cover the head")

I am a big fan of handkerchiefs not only for adults, but for children too.  It was standard and proper for children to carry hankys with them as far back as the 1700's.  During the early years the hankys were very plain. By the 19th century they started to have printed alphabets, poems, stories, fairy tales and instructional illustrations.  Then by mid-century they were being targeted separately to boys and girls with cowboys, fishing, hunting and sports for the boys and pretty designs for the girls. 
Not only were they used for the schnoz, they were used as an impromptu way to carry around small items when a bag was not handy. 

Other Uses for a handkerchief:
*A fashionable head or hair accessory
*A pocket square
*A napkin
*Tied fashionably around the neck
*Ascot Tie
*Gift wrapping (love this idea!)

We love the idea of being environmentally kind and we will be adding some some of these lovely items to our website shortly!

xx tiny bison

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Fall 2012 Photoshoot!

We had a really fun photoshoot with Mark Morand at Mainframe Photography.  Patrick, Donovan and Dominic were so excited to try on our clothing and Mark really knew how to get the little guys to have fun!

Mark shooting one of the flat shots for the website.

Dominick reading Curious George!

Looking good, guys!

tiny bison